Predictive Maintenance

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Maintenance and servicing is a vital part of the successful running of any car, van or truck and it is no less important for automation machinery. We at OB Design and Engineering understand the need for a companies machinery and production lines to work efficiently and to bring maximum output for the company on a continuous basis.

Simply the one most important factor in achieving this is servicing and maintenance. That’s why we offer a predictive maintenance service that helps solve potential problems before they even happen and in return will result in less down down for your machine.

Firstly we will inspect your machines and collect and analyzing data on them and their parts in relation to:

Average life span of machine
Hours worked.
Type of work machine undertakes.
Make of machine.
Availability of parts.

Secondly our service engineer will provide a full written report with the condition of the machine and a list of the parts that are nearing the end of their life.

This is ideal for all machines but particularly those nearing the end of warranty.

Advantages of Predictive Maintenance include the following:

>Improved Life span of machine.
>Reduced unscheduled down time due to equipment failures.
>Improves Health & Safety compliance.
>Ensures Quality of the Product.
>Reduces Waste.
>Optimised spare part handling. minimises time waiting for parts that may need to be replaced as these would have pre-ordered.

Predictive maintenance undertaken in Ireland have been shown to lead to a 25%-30% reduction in maintenance costs, a 70%-75% decrease of breakdowns and a 35%-45% reduction in downtime.

If you would like to know about predictive maintenance and how this service could benefit your business please do not hesitate to contact us.